Cremation and Urn-Burial; Or, The Cemeteries of the Future

Cremation and Urn-Burial; Or, The Cemeteries of the Future

Paperback: 228 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches
Weight: 1.5 pounds
Language: English

This is the story of a man who took his father's cremains and buried them himself. The story has resonated with people around the world and led to many discussions about death, funerals, and mourning practices. Full of practical guidance for providing funeral in a more eco-friendly manner, this book offers a new perspective on green funerals and dying practices. The author, W. Robinson, has been a consulting engineer to many state cemeteries in the United States, and has given much thought to the future of our cemeteries and burial places. The book discusses the trend towards cremation and urn-burial; cremation as an effort to avoid the expense of burial grounds; crematoria as an architectural feature of parks; urn-burials in lawns or on lawn plots, with lawn mowers

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