Das Antisemitische Hauptdogma (German Edition)

Das Antisemitische Hauptdogma (German Edition)

Paperback: 76 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches
Weight: 9 ounces
Language: German

Das Antisemitische Hauptdogma is the most controversial, incisive, and thought-provoking book of its time. The book's title translates to "The Aryan Main Doctrine." Published by Eduard König, it deals with the concepts of race and religion in relation to each other. This is a strange, often surrealist book in which he argues that Jews are the cause of all evils and suffering in the world. He is critical of both the Jews themselves and non-Jews who do not take the Jews seriously enough to hate them. This is the book that struck Hitler so hard it became a rallying cry for the National Socialists. This is a book that incites hatred and violence by justifying antisemitism.

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