Glossary to Accompany Departmental Ditties

Glossary to Accompany Departmental Ditties

Paperback: 72 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches
Weight: 8.6 ounces
Language: English

This is a collection of more than 100 definitions for words and phrases associated with Rudyard Kipling's works. This Glossary to Accompany Departmental Ditties is a handy reference guide that you can use to understand the meanings of words and phrases commonly used in the Department's various ditties. It includes definitions, examples, and usage notes for common and not-so-common terms used by the European Army, Air Force, Navy, Medical Corps, and more!The book also includes an introduction, biographical information about the author, typeset descriptions of his work, and bibliographic information. It also contains illustrations by Harry Rountree.

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