Hints on Imposition. An Illustrated Guide for Printer and Pressman in the Construction of Book-Forms, also Other Matters Pertaining to Letter-Press Printing

Hints on Imposition. An Illustrated Guide for Printer and Pressman in the Construction of Book-Forms, also Other Matters Pertaining to Letter-Press Printing

Paperback: 102 pages
Dimensions: 5 x 0.2 x 8 inches
Weight: 5.9 ounces
Language: English

William Taylor Burwell Williams was born near Stone Bridge, Virginia. He worked on a farm as a field operator of Jeanes Funds, Slater, and Education Board, a philanthropic, private organization that primarily supports high education and in particular medical schools. William graduated from Harvard University in 1897. An Illustrated Guide for Printer and Pressmen is not the desire' merely to offer a system for the composing and obtrusion of writing forms, but to execute them more easily and quickly. Hence, not only in the manner of putting out the pages but also folding and wrapping so that the sheet would relate to the type form. And be prepared for the pressman and bookbinder.

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