The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and a Sketch of Franklin's Life from the Point where the Autobiography Ends, Drawn Chiefly from His Letters; pp. 115-253

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and a Sketch of Franklin's Life from the Point where the Autobiography Ends, Drawn Chiefly from His Letters; pp. 115-253

Paperback: 152 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.4 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 11.7 ounces
Language: English

This text is the autobiography of one of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin. It tells the story of his life through his own words after he became an American patriot. It also includes a sketch of Franklin's life from the point where the autobiography ends, drawn chiefly from his letters. From an old-fashioned boyhood to a revolutionary leader, from printer and publisher to diplomat, scientist, and inventor, Benjamin Franklin was one of the most important and fascinating Americans of his day. During the past 200 years, his reputation as a man of learning and wit has grown steadily among scholars and laymen alike.

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