The Complete Tribune Primer, Containing 75 Original Drawings by Frederick Opper

The Complete Tribune Primer, Containing 75 Original Drawings by Frederick Opper

Paperback: 152 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Weight: 10.1 ounces
Language: English

Eugene Field was a popular American poet and children's author. A product of the Midwest, he captures in his writings the charm and wonder of nature, in all its seasons. This is an illustrated collection of all his poems that appeared in The Tribune Primer, also known as the "Bob Books". The Complete Tribune Primer was the first published work for children by writer and journalist, Eugene Field. It was published by Frederick J. Opper in 1898 and is considered to be the most important of Field's books. This special edition of The Complete Tribune Primer contains 75 original illustrations by Frederick Opper.

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