The Laws of Heredity, Third Edition

The Laws of Heredity, Third Edition

Paperback: 388 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.9 x 11 inches
Weight: 2.4 pounds
Language: English

Here's the perfect book for anyone interested in following or revising the laws of heredity, including people who are not geneticists. The second edition of this classic text has been updated to cover more recent research, and the third edition adds an appendix with recent findings that were unavailable in the first two editions. The Laws of Heredity is a comprehensive textbook on genetics that covers topics ranging from evolution to epigenetics. The book's academic reputation has been grossly unjustly damaged by its simplistic presentation in popular media. I can't imagine anyone who doesn't thoroughly understand this book being able to read it without realizing countless intricacies of its theory.

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