Paperback: 346 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.8 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 1.5 pounds
Language: English

The Stranger, by Arthur Bullard, is a story about a man who wakes up in the morning to find that he cannot recognize anyone and nobody can recognize him. He's known as "the stranger." The Stranger is one of those books with an unforgettable twist. But it's not just the plot that will leave you stunned—it's the way Bullard builds his words into something so abstract and full of meaning. The Stranger is a short and poignant read that packs a punch with its powerful and thought-provoking messages. What would you do if you knew that everything and everyone around you was just a character in someone else's book? That your entire life was just a story? The Stranger is about a boy who not only discovers this, but also starts to change the plot.

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