Elevator Shaft Construction; Or, Practical Suggestions for the Installation of Electric Elevators in Buildings

Elevator Shaft Construction; Or, Practical Suggestions for the Installation of Electric Elevators in Buildings

Paperback: 200 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches
Weight: 1.3 pounds
Language: English

H. Robert Cullmer's Elevator Shaft Construction is a practical guide for the installation of electric elevators in buildings. This book offers an insight into the requirements and principles of elevator shaft construction and its general application, as well as provides practical suggestions for the installation of elevators. It includes information on what materials to use, how to choose the right location for an elevator, and the architectural considerations of a building's design. Culmer is a pioneer in the field of electric elevation systems and this book outlines the installation of elevators in buildings.

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