A Book of Bristol Sonnets

A Book of Bristol Sonnets

Paperback: 166 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.4 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 12.6 ounces
Language: English

In the early 19th century, H. D. Rawnsley was the preeminent English writer of his time. His poetry inspired numerous imitations and influenced many poets, including Keats and Shelley. He was an extraordinary poet and a master of perspective, one whose verses are written with such beauty that reading them is like falling into an enchanted forest. A Book of Bristol Sonnets is the story of a lifetime. This is truly a unique volume, written in 18th century style with rhyming couplets and punctuation of Victorian periodicals - perfect for a coffee table book or as a gift for someone who loves poetry.

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