Der Briefwechsel von Jacob Burckhardt und Paul Heyse (German Edition)

Der Briefwechsel von Jacob Burckhardt und Paul Heyse (German Edition)

Paperback: 234 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches
Weight: 1.5 pounds
Language: German

The correspondence between Jacob Burckhardt and Paul Heyse, which is now collected in this volume, covers the period from 1878 to 1897. The letters, which have been given a running order that is chronological rather than strictly topical, cover a wide range of subjects: art and literature; travel; the Salon and other exhibitions; the publication of Burckhardt's work (in German and in translation); the Franco-Prussian War; the rise of socialism, anarchism, and nationalism in Europe; as well as personal matters such as health and family. Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897) was a Swiss historian, art critic, and professor of art history at the University of Basel. He is best known for his book The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy.

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