Der Tod des Tintagiles-Daheim; Zwei Kleine Dramen für Puppenspiel (German Edition)

Der Tod des Tintagiles-Daheim; Zwei Kleine Dramen für Puppenspiel (German Edition)

Paperback: 118 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Weight: 8.2 ounces
Language: German

Der Tod des Tintagiles (German: The Death of Tintagiles) is a play by the Belgian playwright Maurice Maeterlinck. It was first published in 1898. One of Maeterlinck's early plays, it was atypical of his later style and did not garner much attention at the time. A man and woman live in an enchanted forest and have a child, Tintagiles. The child is imprisoned in a tower by his mother because she fears that he will be tempted to leave the forest and never return. A fairy comes to the tower and frees him, warning him that his mother wants to harm him for leaving her. The fairy tells him that he must return to the forest each night so he does not forget it, but warns him not to try to visit home during daylight hours or his mother will kill him.

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