Ein Wintertagebuch (Gardone 1901-1902). [Berlin-1903] (German Edition)

Ein Wintertagebuch (Gardone 1901-1902). [Berlin-1903] (German Edition)

Paperback: 148 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.3 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 11.5 ounces
Language: German

Paul Heyse was born in Berlin and educated at the universities of Heidelberg and Munich. His birthplace and early training account for his predilection for classical studies: he was a student of Theodor Mommsen, and wrote successful German versions of Sophocles and Thucydides. But he also wrote poems, novels, dramas, essays, philological works, and translations from Dante and Shakespeare. Heyse's poem "Der Arme Heinrich" (1830) was popular in Germany as the expression of a strong patriotic sentiment after the downfall of Napoleon; this poem is now recited at German schools as an example of the typical Romantic style. His drama "Romeo und Julie." "Ein Wintertagebuch" is a journal of Heyse's impressions during the winter months in Gardone. The work is one of the best-known fruits of his stay in Italy.

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