Paperback: 278 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.6 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 1.3 pounds
Language: English

The American girl is a creature to be esteemed, analyzed, and discussed. She is not to be dismissed with a few crude generalities. The American girl of today has her distinctive characteristics and merits, the result of a special social evolution. And while the old-fashioned type of girl, who was content with being pretty, graceful, and sympathetic, may have been a very charming creature in her day and generation, she is now about as out-of-date as an eight-day clock. She doesn't apologize for anything. Fame-Seekers by Alice Woods is a collection of stories about what it means to be a modern American girl today, and it is sure to make you laugh, cry, and think.

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