Grammatica Militans: Erfahrungen und Wünsche im Gebiete des Lateinischen und Griechischen Unterrichtes (German Edition)

Grammatica Militans: Erfahrungen und Wünsche im Gebiete des Lateinischen und Griechischen Unterrichtes (German Edition)

Paperback: 198 pages
Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.5 x 9.7 inches
Weight: 1 pounds
Language: German

Erfahrungen und Wünsche im Gebiete des Lateinischen und Griechischen Unterricht, Paul Sauer. This book is a compilation of all the best tips and advice on how to approach Latin or Greek lessons in German schools. It also presents some of the most commonly asked questions and provides appropriate answers, as well as guidance on which books to buy and how to prepare for the school's Greek or Latin exam. Filled with practical phrases, verbs conjugation tables, and helpful examples of what to say in every situation, it will bring your Latin or Greek conversation skills to a whole new level of competence.

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