Lays of Ancient Rome, with Jory and the Armada

Lays of Ancient Rome, with Jory and the Armada

Paperback: 240 pages
Dimensions: 7 x 0.6 x 10 inches
Weight: 1.2 pounds
Language: English

Macaulay was a brilliant historian and writer, but he had one major flawLord Macaulay is a work of history, not fiction. For centuries, Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome have been a staple of British literature. Though it does contain some fictional elements, it is primarily the account of the events of the first two centuries A.D., as recorded by people who actually saw them. It is an extraordinary record, with one exception: no author's name appears on the title page. This work was originally published by Longmans, Green, and Co., London in 1859. Its full title was The Lays of Ancient Rome, with Jory and the Armada by Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay.

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