Elga (German Edition)

Elga (German Edition)

Paperback: 94 pages
Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.2 x 9.6 inches
Weight: 7.8 ounces
Language: German

Imagine a world where the question of whether or not to be a good person is always on your mind. In Elga, by Gerhart Hauptmann, readers are taken on an emotional journey through the story's main character, who struggles with questions about what is right and wrong. Follow this young woman through her development as she takes a stand against society's norms and makes the tough choices that will allow her to thrive. Named after one of the main characters in the book, this is a classic story that rivals any in literature for its heartwrenching account of human struggle and triumph. This book is one of the most significant and influential works of modern German literature.

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